David Milot Acupuncturist

David Milot Acupuncturist

David Milot is an acupuncturist and member of the Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec who has been practicing for almost 20 years. He was trained in Chinese acupuncture, a form of traditional medicine that has been practiced for centuries.

Following his university studies in international development, David realized that he had not yet found his calling. It was only a few years later that he discovered his passion for acupuncture when he, himself, used this holistic practice to treat an injury.

This interest led him to pursue studies in this field, which means a 3-year college program in acupuncture at Collège de Rosemont. After graduating in 2004, David had finally found a career that suited him and decided to put his new knowledge into practice by opening his own clinic. Acupuncture allowed him to combine several important aspects of his life, both personal and professional: his passion for Chinese wisdom and philosophy, his experience in the field of customer service, his interest in interpersonal relationships and his desire to help and meet the needs of others. David has found himself in a profession that is very much like him.

As a man who enjoys a healthy and active lifestyle, David has played several sports such as soccer, football, and judo. As he got older, he turned to the outdoors and enjoys hiking, canoeing and winter camping. His involvement in these sports, as well as his active nature (and resulting injuries), led him to develop a particular interest in musculoskeletal treatment.

In 2004, following his graduation, David opened the David Milot Acupuncture Clinic, located in the Aylmer sector of Gatineau. As a long-time resident of the Aylmer sector and a very involved citizen in his community, he saw no other option than to offer acupuncture services in his hometown.

In order to deepen his knowledge, improve his practices/tools and always be up to date with new developments in the profession, David has completed several training courses throughout his years in the field. Each of these touched on various spheres of acupuncture such as; orthopedic acupuncture, neuro-acupuncture, sports acupuncture, Chinese TuiNa massage and more. These trainings have allowed him to develop and deepen his skills in the treatment of pain and musculoskeletal problems as well as to discover how to integrate the wisdom of Chinese medicine into his patients' daily lives. One of his most memorable training experiences was during a trip to China where he spent over a month studying and observing acupuncture at the international Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This experience immersed him in the heart of the practice of traditional Chinese medicine, while being guided and surrounded by renowned professionals and teachers in the field.

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